President of Hubler for Business Families, Tom Hubler, shares simple techniques to help ensure you manage a successful family farm operation day in and day out.
Farm management software saves money and time: harvest load tracking
Accurately tracking the hauling of your crops during harvest can be daunting if you’re not using a farm management software system. Read more about its benefits and how to make accounting for all of your loads simple.
Long lasting corporate farms have the resilience to adapt to change
Conservis’ VP of Global Corporates presents on the importance of adaptability for the longevity of corporate farming businesses at Global AgInvesting.
Accuracy of .0003% between Conservis & elevator data helps grower with federal crop
Jake uses a digistar scale in the grain cart to track harvest loads which transfer to Conservis software, leaving him impressed by the bushel accuracy.
Pillar 5: SUSTAINABILITY practices need accurate farm tracking & reporting
Are you tracking nitrogen, tillage, and water usage on your farm? Farm management software is a reliable way to embrace these sustainability opportunities.
Pillar 4: BUDGETING improves field-level financial control for agriculture producers
Farm management software should bring costs and revenues together to understand profits and ROI.
Pillar 3: REVENUES save money & time ensuring farms get paid & pay out accurately
Farm management software should bring costs and revenues together to understand profits, ROI and easily empower ag producers to track goals to performance.
Pillar 2: COSTS ensure farmers track accurate field-level financials
Real-time costs are a big benefit of digital farm management. They empower farmers to improve decision making, reduce operational complexity and maximize profit.
Pillar 1: FIELD RECORDS bring value to farmers
Field records are foundational to growing your farm, and digital farm management empowers you to maximize profit, make decisions, and streamline your business.
Five pillars to improving farm operations & building a better agriculture business
We’ve identified five pillars integral to agtech solutions for helping producers maximize profit, empower decision-making, and streamline the business.
Solving problems with farm management software: recordkeeping
Recordkeeping is one of the biggest frustrations for farmers. It’s also one of the biggest areas of positive change when an operation adopts farm management software (FMS). Learn about the benefits of using a farm management software system.
When it comes to dicamba, make sure all your ducks are in a row
More than ever before, farmers need complete, accurate and timely documentation, but they also need to get some work done, right? Rest assured, our farm management software is uniquely designed to document compliance while keeping you productive in the field.
Are you a grower considering farm management software (FMS)?
Whether you grow row or permanent crops, there’s a lot of buzz about farmers taking their operations digital. This means switching to a software system that gathers data from all aspects of your farm operation and transforming it into useful information, empowering you to work more efficiently, clear-eyed, and profitably.
Five metrics for empowering farmers to achieve growth
The business of successful farming requires a certain level of control. Before you can gain control over a situation, you have to have knowledge. Conservis farm software gives growers the opportunity to establish control over their entire operation.
Find peace of mind as fertilizer, equipment, & land costs rise
Farmers, while you may be months away from planting season, you are facing skyrocketing input prices, shortages, and uncertainties now. With these challenges, having a plan to prepare for planting – and harvesting – in 2022 and beyond provides peace of mind.
Farm management software provides strength and balance to farmers
FMS Benefits Conservis is the hub of information for farmers and provides data connectivity with machine integration.
Turning farm data into farmer profit – the carbon credit conversation
At Conservis, we believe farm data should be an asset to the farmer. The opportunities are growing to financially benefit from robust data collection.
Protect your farm operation against spray drift
Chemical spray drift poses serious business risks, including fines and the potential for lawsuits. Growers with meticulous records protect their businesses and reputations.
Conservis is more than technology — it’s about real relationships
Regional Sales Manager, Chris Nelson, describes his upbringing, along with his love of relationships and farming which ultimately led him to the best job he’s ever had at Conservis.
Unify agronomic & economic data with MyJohnDeere and Conservis
With your as-applied field data integrated into Conservis farm management software, you can make more informed decisions to grow your business into the future.
Understand your farm’s profitability using Cost & Profit Analytics
Cost & Profit Analytics empowers farmers to see their real-time profitability at a field or crop-level, so they can make confident decisions about their farming operations.
Easy FSA and crop insurance claim reporting
Working with insurance and visiting the FSA office can be a pain. Easy reporting is just one way that farm management software gives power back to you.
Together Climate FieldView™ and Conservis farm software mean business
There’s nothing more valuable than real farmers finding our technology useful. We talked with two growers who use Conservis and Climate FieldView™ together about how they’re merging the agronomics with the economics. Listen in.
Farm management software helps you manage inventory with confidence
Whether we’re talking raw materials or finished goods, a farm management system can tighten up inventory management on your farm operation.
Why a comprehensive cost of production is critical on farm
Knowing your farm’s true cost of production is a huge asset. In farming there are so many moving targets like the market, your yields and volatile weather. This information empowers you to make critical marketing decisions within your operation.
What’s the difference between Conservis and an accounting system?
Learn how Conservis farm management software is different from accounting systems. Discover what value lies in pairing Conservis with an accounting system.
How we support farmers: harvest, load tracking and getting paid
Reduce the chaos of harvest with Conservis. Our farm management software tracks loads and yields, ensuring you get paid! Our tools help schedule, track and manage resources during this hectic time.
Why a full financial view matters on farm: a personal perspective
Years after bankruptcy was declared on his family’s harvesting business, Senior Product Manager, Stu, shares his urgency to bring financial management tools to Conservis’ farm management software.
Adopting a farm management system: D&D Horras Farms
Conservis customer, D&D Horras Farms describes what it’s like to adopt Conservis. Discover why they started using the farm management software and why they’re motivated to roll out more of the technology.
Agricultural software can provide a full financial view of your farm operation
Our farm management software system now has Financial Management tools. We’ve integrated agronomics with economics for a complete picture of your operation.
Putting ‘service’ in Conservis: our approach to farm management software
Conservis doesn’t just provide technology – we provide service. Learn how our tools come with quick, personalized, ongoing support. Our success is your success.
Why your farm’s finances should be tied to your operational data
A full financial picture connects the dots between what happens on your farm’s fields and your finances. Having a strong grasp on where money is coming and going allows you to make critical decisions to drive profit, even in a down market.
What it’s like to adopt farm management software: MBS Family Farms
Adopting a farm management software system is a big change on your operation. Hear from an Iowa farm on how and why they decided to make the shift.
Manage stress on the farm with mindfulness
The world depends on farmers, so the world depends on farmers taking care of their stress levels. Learn to manage stress by managing your mind.
The one thing smart farmers do to keep their operations going strong
Share This Story: In today’s world, everyone is adapting and looking for new opportunities. We’re all working to keep our livelihoods going and going strong. Not one of us wakes up knowing what the day will bring, but the smartest among us are open to new ideas and possibilities. The quality needed most right now is one we see in …
Four strategies for thriving in your family farm business
It’s no easy feat to have a thriving, healthy family and a family business to boot. Here are four objectives family business consultant Tom Hubler says help form strong families and strong family businesses.
“We can’t afford to not have it”: farmers reflect on farm management software
Four farmers led a discussion on farm management software at the Family Farms Group Winter Meeting. The conclusion? FMS brings growers confidence and competitive advantage.
How we support farmers: purchasing and inventory
Conservis farm data management system has information in one place & gives farmers in-the-moment power to know what they need, make informed purchasing decisions, and be ready to negotiate a better deal with suppliers.
Farming through a financial lens: diversification
One way crop growers can help ensure profit is by staying competitive, which means listening to the market and considering diversification. Farm management software can help ease the transition when experimenting or shifting in your operation.
How we support farmers: planning and budgeting
Conservis’ Planning and Budgeting tools help you plan for profit, make informed decisions, improve your margins, and deal confidently with stakeholders.
Remove data silos: get a full view of your farm operation and profitability
Farm data that’s not integrated with other data is a problem for business owners. Farm management software should organize all your data streams into one view.
Tired of your farm management software not being there for you?
The core of farm management software is digital technology, but it should be more than that. Tech solutions for farms need to meet the needs of farmers. Technology for technology’s sake isn’t what any one (or any farm) needs.
Data protection is no joke, both on and off the farm
Farmers’ data belongs to farmers. We’ve taken intentional steps to make 100% sure your farm data is private and secure. We’re an independent farmer software company, so you can be sure your data isn’t being used in ways other than to directly benefit you.
Farm data should be an asset, not a commodity
Commodities are bought and sold, but your farm data shouldn’t be. Your data should be an asset to you and your business, and we can help.
Conservis has risen above the competition, farmers say
Our technology brings real value for farmers, day in and day out. Farmers who used other farm management software systems are now switching to Conservis. Learn about our differences and how we make farmers’ lives and operations truly better.
Ten common challenges and solutions to passing on the family farm
Discover prevalent obstacles that family farms have, especially around passing the business to the next generation. Tom Hubler, an expert in family businesses, shared wisdom and strategies at our 2020 Customer Summit.
Getting started with organic
If you’re a grower looking to shift from conventional to organic farming, this blog provides essential things to know and free resources to help you get started.
Farmers talked, we listened
Conservis has changed as much as our farms have changed in the last 11 years. This blog post is about our founding story and how we came to life, moving into how we have grown: all with farmers’ input driving this work we love doing.
Farming through a financial lens: efficiency
Farmers around the world are dealing with the here and now of how they manage for efficiency and get the most of every dollar they spend. They are increasingly tapping into tools like Conservis that lead to more efficient, profitable farming.
2019 guidelines summary from USDA for hemp growers
Conservis understands what’s being asked of hemp growers as well as the unique processes and practices hemp growers have on their farms. Here is a summary of the new USDA hemp guidelines in 2019 clarifying what it might look like for growers to raise this crop.
In a tough year, make every acre as profitable as possible
Farm data centralization is key to profitability, especially in a tough year. No matter how challenging the growing season, understanding your business by having your data in one farm management system is the right strategy for crop growers.
Solving problems with farm management software: seamless communication
They say the only constant in life is change, and that’s sure true on the farm. Having one software system that allows you to communicate and track the work on your operation—even in the face of constant change—is a benefit crop growers can’t overstate. Would better communication across your operation benefit your business?
“We’re not working in a vacuum”: behind the scenes of product development
We simply build products by listening to farmers. The addition of our Zone Economics tool to our farm management software has been a very exciting advance in 2019, and today we’d like to take you behind the scenes of our product development.
Solving problems with farm management software: easy reporting
Streamlined data management & operation reporting with farm management software systems. Learn about accurate farm data reports that are extremely valuable for a complex business like farming. These reports are easily created, quickly accessed, and can be shared with both your team and outside stakeholders.
Groundbreaking financial field analysis with Zone Economics
Conservis releases Zone Economics, a tool that provides a data lens to show farmers how specific in-field decisions affect their bottom line. Farmers often get caught in a guessing game when trying to evaluate what’s most effective economically within their operation. Put an end to guessing and finally understand what’s financially most profitable.
Sustainability begins with this simple word
Farming sustainability is not a checklist. It is a journey, not a destination. You really have to understand, based on your unique situation, your farm operation, your location, what the opportunity is for you. Yet that it always has to start with profitability.
It’s time for ROI in field trials
What if you could utilize the farm data you’ve already taken valuable time and money to collect to give you a better idea of where to spend $$$ to maximize your ROI? With Conservis Zone Economics you can analyze crop profitability on a sub-field scale. Learn more and see Conservis Zone Economics in action.
Why crop traceability matters in agriculture
Crop traceability is a big benefit, whether you’re seeking higher payment for your row or permanent crops or you’re a non-GMO/organic grower and required to provide a transparent paper trail. Learn how Conservis farm management software provides inherent traceability.
Trusted advisors will provide a competitive edge
Trusted advisors help growers navigate the modern farm by delivering actionable advice that’s grounded in numbers. Growers are collecting unprecedented farm and field-level information from their equipment, and farm management systems like Conservis bring that data together.
Hemp farming: an exciting possibility for the future of agriculture
Hemp farming is an exciting possibility for growers, and Conservis farm management software company is here to support hemp farmers. Hemp is a hot topic in agriculture right now and there’s been a recent surge of interest in this highly versatile crop.
Watch out for the “taillight warranty”
There’s no place for “taillight warranty” at Conservis. We stick by our products and our promises. We’re guided by The Conservis Truth: a technology is only as good as the people standing behind it. People who pay good money for technology deserve nothing less.
How Conservis got its start – not your usual story
Conservis has stuck to its roots of developing farmer-inspired, field-tested, farmer-trusted technology. “We’re more than a tech company,” says Chuck Faison, another founder. “we’re a relationship company, too.”