President of Hubler for Business Families, Tom Hubler, shares simple techniques to help ensure you manage a successful family farm operation day in and day out.
Long lasting corporate farms have the resilience to adapt to change
Conservis’ VP of Global Corporates presents on the importance of adaptability for the longevity of corporate farming businesses at Global AgInvesting.
Planning with FMS, trusted advisors, & CPAs can boost farm profitability
CPAs bring a specific skill-set to the agriculture table, and those who have a deep understanding of farm accounting understand what helps a farmer thrive. These trusted advisors can scrutinize data from a farm management system (FMS) to ensure that growers are empowered to make the best decisions for their unique operations. Record breaking fertilizer costs. Rising concerns over inflation. …
Vertically integrated farms require robust API development
Disconnected silos of data steal time from agribusinesses. Conservis APIs give time back to the operation. Growers get connected data sets, from an evolving technology stack, through user-friendly dashboards.
Machine integration moves farm data from fields to decisions
By Aneetha Goplan, Conservis Chief Operating Officer There is inherent value in the data surrounding the tractor, combine, and sprayer on any given field. When we first started thinking as a company about cloud integration with machines, there was no real precedence within the industry. But Conservis founders and leaders kept listening to the growers. They knew the data was …
Profitability benefits of corporate farms and investment firms who take farming digital
By David Gray, Conservis VP of Global Corporates With food price inflation reaching levels not seen in decades, it is impossible to avoid the reality that the Western focus on cheap and abundant food has collided head-on with market realities. At the same time there is increased focus on food supply, with the disruption of global supply chains and the …
Technology is the foundation for advisory conversations leading to long-term successful farms
A farmer, an electrician, and an engineer walk into a bar…These three individuals have a historic tie – as well as an integral modern relationship that is on the precipice of a revolution. Early refrigeration inventions brought together individuals from differing industries when breweries in North America were the first to recognize the enormous benefits of this latest technology. German …
Turning farm data into farmer profit – the carbon credit conversation
At Conservis, we believe farm data should be an asset to the farmer. The opportunities are growing to financially benefit from robust data collection.
The power of partnerships are integral to Conservis farm software
When you think about where our food originates, how products are made, and the supply chain that depends upon them, there’s opportunity for different sectors to work together.
The future is bright: why I stand behind this company acquisition
The recently unveiled strategic joint acquisition of Conservis by two farm-focused visionaries is arguably one of the most unusual shifts in agriculture.
Carbon, regenerative agriculture, and the opportunity for farmers
Perspectives on climate change aside, it’s exciting to see environmental solutions that honor the work growers are doing—and the data they’re collecting.
From stomach to soil: the human case for regenerative agriculture
From cover crops to no till, regenerative agriculture doesn’t just benefit the land and the environment. The COVID-19 crisis has brought human health to the forefront of our minds.
The end of the beginning – a perspective from Pat Christie
Pat Christie, a founder at Conservis farm management software, discusses his agricultural insights derived from in depth work with farmers across the nation.
The most important ingredient for sustainable farming
In farming, we talk about optimal soil, water, and plant health but often overlook the hidden backbone needed to fulfill such a lofty goal: sound farm finances.
Mining the hidden value of farm data
By partnering with Conservis, farms commit to investing in and adopting new technology and practices. They take control of their big piles of data to uncover precious analytics and reap valuable insight.
Agricultural software can provide a full financial view of your farm operation
Our farm management software system now has Financial Management tools. We’ve integrated agronomics with economics for a complete picture of your operation.
Manage stress on the farm with mindfulness
The world depends on farmers, so the world depends on farmers taking care of their stress levels. Learn to manage stress by managing your mind.
The one thing smart farmers do to keep their operations going strong
Share This Story: In today’s world, everyone is adapting and looking for new opportunities. We’re all working to keep our livelihoods going and going strong. Not one of us wakes up knowing what the day will bring, but the smartest among us are open to new ideas and possibilities. The quality needed most right now is one we see in …
Four strategies for thriving in your family farm business
It’s no easy feat to have a thriving, healthy family and a family business to boot. Here are four objectives family business consultant Tom Hubler says help form strong families and strong family businesses.
Five things we can learn from farmers during COVID-19
It’s a strange world out there right now, and times are difficult for many. Here are five values straight from the farm that can help give us some perspective.
Financial tech meets agtech: a partnership focused on farmers
Rabo AgriFinance and Conservis share a mission focused on the farmer’s success and legacy: to empower farmers so that they can keep farming profitably.
Farming through a financial lens: diversification
One way crop growers can help ensure profit is by staying competitive, which means listening to the market and considering diversification. Farm management software can help ease the transition when experimenting or shifting in your operation.
Remove data silos: get a full view of your farm operation and profitability
Farm data that’s not integrated with other data is a problem for business owners. Farm management software should organize all your data streams into one view.
Data protection is no joke, both on and off the farm
Farmers’ data belongs to farmers. We’ve taken intentional steps to make 100% sure your farm data is private and secure. We’re an independent farmer software company, so you can be sure your data isn’t being used in ways other than to directly benefit you.
Farm data should be an asset, not a commodity
Commodities are bought and sold, but your farm data shouldn’t be. Your data should be an asset to you and your business, and we can help.
Laugh more, stress less: tips for stress reduction on the farm
Farming is considered one of the most stressful jobs, so we brought in speaker, magician and humorist, Lyndy Phillips, to introduce stress reduction tactics with a good dose of humor!
Ten common challenges and solutions to passing on the family farm
Discover prevalent obstacles that family farms have, especially around passing the business to the next generation. Tom Hubler, an expert in family businesses, shared wisdom and strategies at our 2020 Customer Summit.
Hemp hype: 7 things you need to know
Whether you’re looking at hemp as a main crop or you’re a farmer looking to diversify, here are some important considerations about growing this controversial plant in 2020.
Recap of our 2020 Customer Summit in Minneapolis
We gather with our employees and customers every year to connect and learn. Here’s a recap of our 2020 Customer Summit held in our headquarters of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Farmers talked, we listened
Conservis has changed as much as our farms have changed in the last 11 years. This blog post is about our founding story and how we came to life, moving into how we have grown: all with farmers’ input driving this work we love doing.
Farming through a financial lens: efficiency
Farmers around the world are dealing with the here and now of how they manage for efficiency and get the most of every dollar they spend. They are increasingly tapping into tools like Conservis that lead to more efficient, profitable farming.
Talk about it: mental health on the farm
American farmers are under as much or more stress than during the 1980s farm crisis. Mental health is fast becoming a topic that’s okay to talk about, but we’re still not there yet, especially on the farm. Here are some useful resources on this topic.
Conversation and connection at the 2019 Rice Outlook Conference
Conservis attended the 2019 Rice Outlook Conference, a gathering that rotates its location through every rice-growing state in the U.S. This year it was held in Little Rock, Arkansas, which is considered the home state for rice farming—about 1.2 million bushels are grown there every year.
In a tough year, make every acre as profitable as possible
Farm data centralization is key to profitability, especially in a tough year. No matter how challenging the growing season, understanding your business by having your data in one farm management system is the right strategy for crop growers.
“We’re not working in a vacuum”: behind the scenes of product development
We simply build products by listening to farmers. The addition of our Zone Economics tool to our farm management software has been a very exciting advance in 2019, and today we’d like to take you behind the scenes of our product development.
Changing market demands: another look at sustainability
How do you make farm operations profitable, allowing them to stay in business? Modern farmers are long on data and short on time. With a farm data management systems like Conservis software suite, you can begin to understand how your decisions affect your bottom line, so you can be sure your farm will go on farming.
Sustainability begins with this simple word
Farming sustainability is not a checklist. It is a journey, not a destination. You really have to understand, based on your unique situation, your farm operation, your location, what the opportunity is for you. Yet that it always has to start with profitability.
It’s time for ROI in field trials
What if you could utilize the farm data you’ve already taken valuable time and money to collect to give you a better idea of where to spend $$$ to maximize your ROI? With Conservis Zone Economics you can analyze crop profitability on a sub-field scale. Learn more and see Conservis Zone Economics in action.
Trusted advisors will provide a competitive edge
Trusted advisors help growers navigate the modern farm by delivering actionable advice that’s grounded in numbers. Growers are collecting unprecedented farm and field-level information from their equipment, and farm management systems like Conservis bring that data together.
U.S. pecan farmers can thrive in competitive global market
Native to North America, pecans are a valuable commodity worldwide due to their interesting texture, health properties, and of course, delicious taste. Though it can take nearly a decade to grow to optimal nut production, the pecan tree can produce nuts for over 100 years.
Hemp farming: an exciting possibility for the future of agriculture
Hemp farming is an exciting possibility for growers, and Conservis farm management software company is here to support hemp farmers. Hemp is a hot topic in agriculture right now and there’s been a recent surge of interest in this highly versatile crop.
How farm management is evolving like the smartphone did
Share This Story: Sherman Black, CEO of Conservis, makes an interesting comparison between the evolution of farm management and the evolution of the smartphone. “Let’s look back at the mobile phone. I started with a phone in a bag. Next, I had a brick with an antenna. As the cell phone advanced, it got smaller, sleeker and soon we had …
Watch out for the “taillight warranty”
There’s no place for “taillight warranty” at Conservis. We stick by our products and our promises. We’re guided by The Conservis Truth: a technology is only as good as the people standing behind it. People who pay good money for technology deserve nothing less.