Conservis’ VP of Global Corporates presents on the importance of adaptability for the longevity of corporate farming businesses at Global AgInvesting.
Agriculture industry requiring deeper insights from financial advisors
Conservis team members attended the AICPA and CIMA Agriculture Industry Conference. The focus was on delivering deeper financial advice to farm clients.
Conservis takes action to mitigate risk of COVID-19
Conservis takes the safety a our customers, employees and partners seriously. We’ve asked all employees to work from home in an effort to self-quarantine and mitigate risk to the greater population.
Talking hemp at the Midwest Women in Agriculture conference
Share This Story: Next to meeting with farmers on farms, conferences are our favorite thing. Being involved in conversation and learning with growers and other decision-makers in ag—and doing it in-person—helps us keep tabs on what’s going on and how we might be able to help. Purdue Extension’s Midwest Women in Agriculture conference was held February 19, 2020, in Muncie, …
Farm data should be an asset, not a commodity
Commodities are bought and sold, but your farm data shouldn’t be. Your data should be an asset to you and your business, and we can help.
Laugh more, stress less: tips for stress reduction on the farm
Farming is considered one of the most stressful jobs, so we brought in speaker, magician and humorist, Lyndy Phillips, to introduce stress reduction tactics with a good dose of humor!
Ten common challenges and solutions to passing on the family farm
Discover prevalent obstacles that family farms have, especially around passing the business to the next generation. Tom Hubler, an expert in family businesses, shared wisdom and strategies at our 2020 Customer Summit.
Getting started with organic
If you’re a grower looking to shift from conventional to organic farming, this blog provides essential things to know and free resources to help you get started.
Hemp hype: 7 things you need to know
Whether you’re looking at hemp as a main crop or you’re a farmer looking to diversify, here are some important considerations about growing this controversial plant in 2020.
Recap of our 2020 Customer Summit in Minneapolis
We gather with our employees and customers every year to connect and learn. Here’s a recap of our 2020 Customer Summit held in our headquarters of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Conversation and connection at the 2019 Rice Outlook Conference
Conservis attended the 2019 Rice Outlook Conference, a gathering that rotates its location through every rice-growing state in the U.S. This year it was held in Little Rock, Arkansas, which is considered the home state for rice farming—about 1.2 million bushels are grown there every year.
Conservis participates in South Dakota’s Dakotafest
Conservis made its first appearance at Dakotafest, where Dave Fogel, one of the speakers, noted that making the right move at the right time in a volatile year can help set up a farmer for success. We agree. Conservis helps put farmers in a position of power.