Conservis founder, Pat Christie, talks about developments in our farm management software tools. The bottom line? We’re learning from and listening to farmers every step of the way.
Talking hemp at the Midwest Women in Agriculture conference
Share This Story: Next to meeting with farmers on farms, conferences are our favorite thing. Being involved in conversation and learning with growers and other decision-makers in ag—and doing it in-person—helps us keep tabs on what’s going on and how we might be able to help. Purdue Extension’s Midwest Women in Agriculture conference was held February 19, 2020, in Muncie, …
Farming through a financial lens: diversification
One way crop growers can help ensure profit is by staying competitive, which means listening to the market and considering diversification. Farm management software can help ease the transition when experimenting or shifting in your operation.
Conversation and connection at the 2019 Rice Outlook Conference
Conservis attended the 2019 Rice Outlook Conference, a gathering that rotates its location through every rice-growing state in the U.S. This year it was held in Little Rock, Arkansas, which is considered the home state for rice farming—about 1.2 million bushels are grown there every year.