Planning with FMS, trusted advisors, & CPAs can boost farm profitability

AdminLatest Blog Posts, Thought Leadership

CPAs bring a specific skill-set to the agriculture table, and those who have a deep understanding of farm accounting understand what helps a farmer thrive. These trusted advisors can scrutinize data from a farm management system (FMS) to ensure that growers are empowered to make the best decisions for their unique operations. Record breaking fertilizer costs. Rising concerns over inflation. …

How farm management is evolving like the smartphone did

Kristen JohnsonFMS Benefits, Latest Blog Posts, Product Success, Thought Leadership

Share This Story: Sherman Black, CEO of Conservis, makes an interesting comparison between the evolution of farm management and the evolution of the smartphone. “Let’s look back at the mobile phone. I started with a phone in a bag. Next, I had a brick with an antenna. As the cell phone advanced, it got smaller, sleeker and soon we had …