Conservis Launches Zone Economics Tool For Farmers

Kristen JohnsonLatest Press Releases

Farm Management Software Company Announces Cost-Based Farming Activity Analysis Now Available Down to the Square Yard

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 7, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Conservis, the global leader in enterprise farm management software, announces the deployment of Zone Economics which delivers actionable insights to farmers. Enabling growers to compare and evaluate the economic efficiency of their field practices, this tool provides a data lens to understand how their in-field decisions affect their bottom line. Using Zone Economics, growers can supersede the guessing game of what’s economically most effective. Zone economics puts farmers in a position of power by revealing answers to frequently asked questions:

  • What part of the field is losing money?
  • Which seed rates are most profitable?
  • Was that last spray application really required?

In today’s world, the measure of farm operation performance is shifting away from yield alone. In reality, a high-output field may not be the most cost-efficient. Volatile commodity prices, ever-increasing costs for inputs, and rising labor rates are squeezing margins like never before. As a result, cost-effective production has become the new measure of success. In order to make the best business decisions about a farm’s operation, it’s critical to understand how and where money is being spent within a field.

“In recent times, the power has been in the hands of the large equipment manufacturers, or seed and input companies,” says Conservis VP of Customer Success, David Gehant. “Zone Economics gives leverage and power back to the grower, as the data revealed facilitates a meaningful conversation with farm advisors and stakeholders.”

“Zone economics showed me that my premium seed didn’t pay off,” stated Kyle Musselman, Musselman Farms. “The yield just didn’t offset the higher cost.”

Zone Economics requires that equipment be connected to Climate FieldView™ and/or John Deere Operations Center through a simple integration. That as-applied and yield data then combines with Conservis costs and activities, bringing growers an in-field economic analysis that paints the full picture. Applying actual activity costs provides growers the cost of production, right down to the square yard.


Growers can evaluate and measure field and activity performance using side-by-side comparisons. Costs and activities function as stackable layers that can be selected to readily view application and yield analysis, allowing growers to see everything that happened on that field in a single view.

Conservis is independent, guarantees total data protection and has no loyalty to anyone except the farmer. Growers own their data and Conservis rigorously adheres to the privacy standards adopted by Ag Data Transparent. Learn more about Zone Economics.

About Conservis

Conservis is the leading independent farm management service, providing growers the digital tools and information needed for success. The web and mobile platforms deliver comprehensive planning tools, real-time data capture and insightful analytics to support better decision making and efficient reporting. Conservis was founded in 2009 with and for farmers in the permanent and row crop markets, and is dedicated to advancing the business of agriculture.