Zone Economics delivers actionable insights
Perform cost-based financial analysis of your growing activities, right down to the square yard.
Get Started
Evaluate and measure field and activity performance using side-by-side comparisons. Costs and activities function as stackable layers that can be selected and unselected to readily view application and yield analysis, allowing you to see everything that happened on that field in a single view.
Compare and evaluate the financial efficiency of your field practices
We know that you’re looking to identify practices that will drive greater efficiency on your farm. Now you can analyze activity costs against yield performance, enabling accurate cost per unit of production comparisons across your fields. Zone Economics provides a data lens that helps you understand how in-field decisions affect your bottom line.
The measure of farm operation performance is shifting away from yield alone. In reality, a high-output field may not be the most cost-efficient. As a result, cost-effective production has become the new measure of success.
Put an end to the guessing game and finally understand what’s financially most effective.
See how data can answer some of your frequently asked questions:
- Which seeding rates are most profitable?
- Is the added fertilizer cost worth it?
- Was that last spray application really required?
- What part of this field costs more to farm?

What Farmers Are Saying

"We're able to look at each individual acre and see what are our productivity is. We can compare that to our cost. To see that at the end of the season and tie all these different data points together to look at dollars per acre in an individual area is phenomenal."

"I want to know where my money can be best spent. Other software systems have allowed me to pull up my yield and input maps, but there's not been a financial relationship between the two. Other systems don’t show what individual acres cost me, or what individual zones cost me."