Conservis Announces Additional Harvest Tools for Orchard Customers

Kristen JohnsonLatest Press Releases

MINNEAPOLIS, MN  — Conservis Corp, the industry leader in Enterprise Ag Management (EAM), announced today the general availability of additional product functionality geared towards harvest workflow management for perennial crop growers.

Growers with limited tools to maximize harvest productivity and profitability now have access to a comprehensive suite of products tailored to their unique set of harvest processes.

Conservis responded to the need of real-time insight into harvest steps, cycle times and logistical efficiency. Specifically, the detail provided by the Conservis system yields actionable data regarding cycle lengths and queuing times between various harvest processes. The immediate and quantifiable benefits of these tools include equipment, labor and time optimization.

“We’re putting the right tools in the grower’s hand for them to make real-time decisions that impact underlying profitability” says Jack Makowski, product manager of perennials. “They’re the experts on their farm, but the lack of delivery of crucial data growers make decisions from has always been a hinderance if a system like Conservis isn’t in place.”

About Conservis 

Based in Minneapolis, Conservis is dedicated to helping farmers as the business of farming changes. The company’s cloud-based platform offers farmers a service-centric platform to track activity, integrate to outside data, manage resources and make better decisions. Data can be shared at the farmer’s discretion with partners, landowners, funders and insurance companies. Conservis was founded in 2009 and serves farms across the U.S., Canada, Australia and Eastern Europe. To learn more, visit