Make it farmer-proof

Kristen JohnsonCustomer Success, FMS Benefits, Latest Blog Posts, Product Success

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Every good company has ah-ha moments. For Conservis, one such moment came when a farmer told us to make our technology “farmer-proof.” When we asked what he meant he told us he wanted technology that was straightforward and hard to screw up. If a guy pushes the wrong button, for example, or enters something with the decimal point in the wrong place, it shouldn’t set him back hours or days or worse.

Ever since that ah-ha moment, the concept of farmer-proof technology has been front and center in our minds as we develop our farm management software. In fact, ease of use is one attribute that sets Conservis software apart from other platforms. How did we pull this off?


“What makes us different is we start by listening at the field level...Our software has evolved and improved because it’s designed to work in real farm situations.”

Bo Beyer, Customer Success Manager

Know this too: our software is more than just easy to use. It gives you the depth of information, tracking and reporting that you need. You can go as deep into the software as you want. And because it’s simple to use, getting your whole team on board and on the same page is no problem.

“What makes us different,” says Bo Beyer, a Conservis Customer Success Manager, “is we start by listening at the field level. We’re right there watching farmers working on their iPads, seeing what’s going smoothly, and where the hang-ups are. We’re at the kitchen table listening to what farmers say they need to manage things better. Our software has evolved and improved because it’s designed to work in real farm situations.”


Here’s what Dan Bahe, another Conservis boots-on-the-farm Customer Success Manager, says makes our software so popular. “There are three simple reasons why our technology has earned loyal customers—and has farmers switching over to our system, too. One, it’s easy to put information in. Two, it’s easy to navigate so you can focus on crops, not software. Three, if we run into an occasional bug, it’s fixed immediately.”

In the end, Conservis exists for one reason and one reason only: to help you run a sustainable, profitable long-term operation. Count on our farmer-proof technology to take some work and worry off your shoulders and to make life on the farm a little easier.

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