Hear what farmers are saying.
We're listening.
As a company that’s proudly rooted in farmer input, we believe the most important aspect of our business is you, the farmer. That’s why a deep dive into what our growers think and feel is so important. Since day one, the voice of the farmer has driven our priorities and motivated our problem-solving genes. Our goal is to cultivate personal relationships that start with a handshake and continue with ongoing, available support that’s there to help you at each stage of the farm cycle.
Each case study below paints the picture of our farmers’ businesses, challenges, and results. We began this journey with open minds, open ears, and no agenda other than to share these stories in an authentic and meaningful light. Capturing these remains an integral part of our strategy as we are laser focused on meeting and exceeding the needs of our growers. During these eye-opening opportunities to sit down with our customers, we’ve learned just how many of you view us not as a vendor, but as a partner. That sentiment is greatly significant to us, further validating that we are earning trust, one farmer at a time.
Undergoing a recent generational shift, Wiens Farms has grown from two family members to five. The family initially adopted Conservis to handle their complex input and land ownership splits, saving them a day and a half’s worth of work. But what is Co-General Manager and father, Scott Wiens really looking forward to? Read on to learn why he’s looking to technology for peace of mind surrounding a turning point.
Managing Ownership Splits
Reducing Paper Records
Preparing for the Future
Sproule Farms
Headquarters: Grand Forks, ND
Crops Grown: Corn, Edible Beans, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Hemp, Potatoes, Soybeans, Sugarbeets

Sproule Farms is a GLOBALG.A.P. grower, meaning the farm is certified for their commitment to advancing Good Agricultural Practices. They supply FritoLay and their required certification brings them more money for their crops. Read more to see why the traceability and recordkeeping within the farm management software is a win for Sproule Farms.
Historical Records
Real-Time Information
Prior to Conservis, MacField Farms used a paper-based recordkeeping system. They struggled with records going missing and getting damaged, driving them to research farm management systems specifically made for permanent crop operations. Read on to learn how all of the orchard’s field data is now stored in Conservis, protecting them from an audit and food safety point of view.
Paper-based System
Double Entering Data
Data Integrity
The Mehmen family of MBS Family Farms learned that as their business grew in size and complexity, scaling with spreadsheets was not the efficient route to go. Read on to see how a single information hub empowered them to see things in real time, understand their business at a glance and effectively communicate to field workers.
Grain Tracking
Scaling with Spreadsheets
Field Visibility
Lone Star Family Farms
Headquarters: Sunray, TX
Crops Grown: Corn, Blue Corn, Canola, Wheat, Seed Sorghum, Cotton, Triticale, Rye, Barley

Tracking grain from the field to its point of delivery, was more of a problem than Lone Star Family Farms ever dreamt possible. Learn how Conservis immediately found a load of canola worth $20,000 and two loads of wheat, more than paying for itself. Read on to see how the farm overcame challenges with field visibility and communicating to field workers.
Grain Tracking
Field Visibility
Communication to Field Workers
Tyler Buba of Lewis farms operates a multi-industry farm. When his financial advisors suggested a farm management software solution like Conservis, Tyler wanted to know if such a platform would be able to handle multiple enterprises under one farm roof while simultaneously responding to machine data and truly enhancing their financial decision making. Read on to see how Lewis Farms utilizes actionable machine data to track cost of production and now has enhanced traceability for easier reporting.
Managing Multiple Enterprises Under One Business
Making Strong Use of Machine Data
Enhancing Financial Decision Making
Farm Owner, Jake Bitker, wanted the full value of farm data he was collecting with machines and equipment. The operation turned to Conservis for a single, reliable, efficient farm management solution that would provide actionable data, a clear cost of production, and a streamlined method for his employees and trusted advisors to collaboratively manage and grow the farm.
Actionable Cost of Production
Connected & Organized Operation
Empowering Budgeting & Projections
Owners Michelle and Diane Gooding spent years searching for farm software that would record field activities, production inputs, and enable full traceability. The first farm in Southern Idaho to be GLOBALG.A.P. certified, Gooding Farms knew there had to be a more efficient way to track their specialty crop throughout the years. Read on to discover why adopting the Conservis platform was worth it.
Traceability & Tracking from Farm to Customer
Comprehensive Stakeholder Reporting
Specialty Crop Farm Management
Glenmary Farm LLC
Headquarters: Rapidan, VA
Crops Grown: Corn, Wheat, Barley, Sorghum, Soybeans, Rye, Vetch

On the heels of adopting a farm management system that failed to deliver on promises, Glenmary Farm needed a way to track their cost of production at a field level. Owned by the third generation, the Nixon family needed to know which fields were making money so they could present data as leverage for negotiating land rent with landowners. Read on to learn why the family was pleasantly surprised by adopting Conservis.
Understanding Field Profitability to Negotiate Land Rent
Knowing Grain Inventory to Sell with Confidence
Over or Underselling Commodities
Aaron Lee of Cornerstone Family Farms craved a solution that would empower his team to see what was actually turning a profit. Aaron spent years searching for farm management software that would bring actionable profit-driven insights to light. Read on to see how Conservis’ flexible platform fulfilled his needs.
Defining What Makes Money
Tracking Grain & Input Inventories
One Flexible System
Reno Brueggeman was in dire search of a program that would get him off the dozens of Excel spreadsheets he’d grown to loathe. He craved a single system to track grain inventory, while working in tandem with Climate FieldView™ data to calculate an accurate cost of production per acre. Fed up with prior frustrating farm management software, Reno looked to Conservis to do the job accurately and efficiently.
Breaking Free from Spreadsheets
Accurately Tracking Grain
Improving Data Integration
BWT Holdings, LLLP employs 15 local independent farmers to work their land, producing feed for hundreds of thousands of cattle. The business uses the farm management software to track, record and communicate field activities to their 15 growers. Read on to learn why the billing and inventory recordkeeping within Conservis eased the minds of the managing team.
Communicating Field Work
Tracking Field Progress
Efficient Field Visibility
BKR Farms craved one system that would show their operation’s full financial picture. Having used several previous farm management systems that didn’t show him his full return on investment, Manager Ryan looked to Conservis to simplify and unite his data. Read on to see how Ryan maximizes profit through methods like scenario testing that show what best pays off.
Complete Financial Visibility
Return on Investment & Profit
Control Over Entire Operation
Bates Next Generation Farms
Headquarters: Rockton, IL
Crops Grown: Corn, Soybeans, Oats, Winter Wheat

This seventh-generation family business uses farm management software to learn their annual cost of production on an accrual basis. The accessible, easy-to-use platform creates time-saving FSA reporting, crop traceability, and historical data spanning generations. Read on to learn why the family attributes knowing their cost of production to helping them stay on the farm to continue their family legacy.