Jake Bitker of J&J Bikter grows 8,000 acres of soybeans, sugar beets, wheat, and alfalfa in the northern city of Halstad, MN. The farm has used our software since 2021 and they've come to rely on Conservis for cost of production, along with maintaining a connected and efficient operation which saves them an estimated five hours per week. We caught up with Jake in January of 2024.

"We're using Conservis to track and monitor our return on investment per field. We use it to make the best choices for the following year, and during the year we can see if we're on target to hit our budgets."
“We use the digistar scale in the grain cart to track loads, and whether they go to the elevator, to a bin - and if to a bin, what bin,” states Jake. “Using a bluetooth connection, all this is transferred into Conservis automatically. This process gives me a better log of what's going on and I don't have to worry about measuring the bins. Last harvest, we put some soybeans in the bin and we hauled him out before the end of the year, and I actually had a crop insurance claim on one field.”
Then I was working with federal crop, and they said, “You're off a little bit.” And we came to the conclusion that I hadn't accurately taken in temperature, moisture, and shrink into Conservis yet. So when I switched that on in the platform (because Conservis measures that for you), it worked out that I was only 40 bushels off.”

“The difference between my Conservis data and the elevator’s data was just 2400 lbs. This helped me with federal crop insurance because it made our numbers more accurate.”
When federal crop saw such a minor percentage difference, they were like, ‘Wow that’s surprising accurate.
Accuracy on the farm is one thing we strive for because accurate data going in can mean greater profits coming out of your business. Wondering what we could do for your agriculture operation?